Excision BioTherapeutics’ Groundbreaking Gene Therapy for HIV: A Closer Look


Excision BioTherapeutics, a clinical-stage biotechnology company, has recently made headlines with its announcement regarding the publication of pre-clinical data supporting its innovative CRISPR-based gene therapy candidate, EBT-101. This therapy is designed to functionally cure HIV-1. Here’s a detailed summary of the press release: Key Findings: CEO’s Statement: Daniel Dornbusch, the Chief Executive Officer of Excision, […]

$32.3M Boost: City of Hope’s Groundbreaking Therapies

City Of Hope

City of Hope, a prominent cancer research and treatment organization in the United States, has received a grant of $32.3 million from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Funding Allocation The funds will be used to support three novel Phase 1 clinical trials that focus on innovative cell and gene therapy treatments for patients […]

A New Hope: Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells Expand Access to HIV Cures

Illustration of HIV cells

Mixed-race woman with both HIV and acute leukemia received a stem cell transplant using umbilical cord blood stem cells with a CCR5-delta32 mutation, which confers resistance to HIV. This modified approach may expand the pool of available stem cells for curing HIV in people needing transplants for other medical conditions. The patient’s leukemia remains in […]

First Female Patient Remains HIV-Free 5 Years After Stem Cell Transplant

illustration of HIV cell

A woman who underwent a stem cell transplant to cure her HIV infection has remained virus-free for five years, according to a report on Live Science. The patient, who was diagnosed with leukemia and HIV, received the transplant from a donor with a rare genetic mutation that provides resistance to HIV. This groundbreaking procedure, also […]