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Boosting Stem Cell Harvest: A Promising Combo Therapy Revolutionizes Transplant Success

illustration of harvested stem cells

A recent study published in the European Pharmaceutical Review has revealed that a combination therapy can significantly improve the collection of stem cells from donors. The therapy utilizes Plerixafor, a CXCR4 antagonist, in conjunction with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), which helps mobilize stem cells from bone marrow to peripheral blood. The study found that this […]

How Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Therapy Impacts Aging

Lance Hitchings on Stem Cell Therapies and aging

Lance Hitchings has an excellent YouTube channel where he shares everything he has learned on his quest to turn back the hands of time when it comes to aging. In the following video, Lance gives an update on what regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies are currently doing in the field of aging. Video Transcript: […]